Marinated tofu pockets to realize the inari
The Inari sushi can be easily prepared in a bain marie at 60 ° C.
- To prepare inari at home, cook rice and add sushi vinegar (or sushi vinegar powder) by gently mixing it, so as to cool it, to get a rice for sushi.
- Insert this rice into tofu pockets and you will be able to taste the real taste of the inari of the eDo era.
- You can preheat tofu pockets beforehand by plunging them into boiling water, without getting out of their packaging.
- For more fun, add finely cut vegetables in small pieces, in rice, with sushi vinegar when cooling it.
fried soybean, liquid glucose and fructose mixture, millet jam mixture, soy sauce (soy, wheat, salt), condiment ferment, salt, acidulant, seasoning
Nutritional values for 100 g
Protein9.1 g
Grease15 g
Carbohydrates29.2 g
Of which sugar29.3 g
SALT1.5 g